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    Mardani Ali Sera: The 2020 Pilkada gives a bad impression of democratization

    Sabtu, Desember 05, 2020, 08:07 WIB Last Updated 2020-12-05T01:07:27Z
    Mardani Ali Sera: The 2020 Pilkada gives a bad impression of democratization

    HarianUmmat.com ■ The practice of dynastic politics in the 2020 Pilkada creates a rotten impression of democratization in Indonesia.

    Thus, Member of Commission II of the DPR from the PKS faction Mardani Ali Sera spoke about the implementation of the 2020 simultaneous regional elections.

    He said, "In fact, this is something that is rotten from the start, isn't it. This is so bad, our intention to reform is against KKN, including dynastic politics," said Mardani Ali Sera, yesterday.

    Mardani questioned the politics of this dynasty, some parties always viewed it as if there was nothing wrong with dynastic politics.

    According to Mardani, it is true, when the process is followed correctly, it is not instantaneous.

    "Because of that in the Pilkada Law or the Election Law later even those who want to run for both Pileg and Pilkada must join a political party member one or two years earlier. So that nothing is instant, yes, nothing will suddenly become," he stressed.

    "I say this is rotten because at first there were actually many candidates from within political parties, so they had to be eliminated because suddenly there was a crown prince, son-in-law or others, suddenly entered yes. And that's very unhealthy," he concluded.
