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    Gatot Nurmantyo: A moral revolution based on justice is important for this country

    Sabtu, Desember 05, 2020, 08:50 WIB Last Updated 2020-12-05T01:50:22Z
    Gatot Nurmantyo: A moral revolution based on justice is important for this country

    HarianUmmat.com ■ The moral revolution movement echoed by the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab received support from the Presidium of the Coalition for Indonesian Rescue Action (KAMI) Gatot Nurmantyo.

    This was conveyed by the former TNI Commander during the National Dialogue of 100 Ulama and Leaders with Grand Imam Habib Rizieq Syihab virtually via the Front TV Youtube channel, on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

    Gatot said that a moral revolution based on justice is important for this country.

    "If this country is truly fair and civilized, then all the crowds will check all out. For example KAMI members, Syahganda Nainggolan, Bang Jumhur, Bang Anton. They were arrested without evidence, "said Gatot.

    Gatot said that the captured KAMI members were "not karbitan fighters". Gatot is also concerned about investigators who are claimed to have violated the law because they have arrested members.

    "Whereas what we are sorry for is the investigator, because investigators in the police are smart, intelligent people who must have a conscience. He was being tortured inside because he had to break the law to arrest KAMI members, ”he said.

    Gatot also said that investigations against officials were not carried out fairly.

    Gatot supports the moral revolution movement so as not to differentiate between groups, be it based on religion, race or color.

    "This is necessary for a moral revolution, because it is already severe, turning bad into good," he said.

    "Currently, the Indonesian people, if they are not morally controlled, will be brave. The proof is they swear, but corruption, ”said Gatot.

    Regarding the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab, Gatot called himself a nationalist cleric figure.

    This, said Gatot, was proven through the moral revolution movement echoed by Habib Rizieq.

    "It is undeniable that Habib Rizieq is a nationalist who maintains the pure ideals of Pancasila as we have done, namely through a moral movement that safeguards the noble ideals of the Indonesian nation," said Gatot.

    According to Gatot, the moral revolution initiated by Rizieq was very close and upholds the values ​​of Pancasila. Because of that, he invited all parties to put forward morals in everyday life.

    "It is very interesting because from what was conveyed by this moral revolution, I listened to Habib Rizieq Shihab's words using a Pancasila analysis knife, something very extraordinary," he said.

    Moreover, the former TNI commander considered the moral revolution to be very important. Because, if the morals are not improved, classes will emerge in the life of the nation and state.

    "Can we see clearly, has justice been served? For example, what has happened recently, regarding the investigation of Habib Rizieq. If this country is indeed fair, then everyone will check everything, "he said.

