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    Give a friend the capital to print counterfeit money, this man was sentenced to 2 years in prison

    Sabtu, Desember 05, 2020, 16:13 WIB Last Updated 2020-12-05T09:13:32Z
    Give a friend the capital to print counterfeit money, this man was sentenced to 2 years in prison

    HarianUmmat.com ■ Muhammad Yusuf gave business capital to Boyma Beni Tambunan. He gave Boyma Rp3.5 million to buy a printer along with ink to print counterfeit bills.

    “At first Boyma borrowed money. I lent them to buy a printer, ”said Yusuf during a hearing at the Surabaya District Court.

    After a while, Yusuf collected the money he lent. Armed with a printing press, Boyma began printing counterfeit bills worth Rp. 7 million with a nominal value of Rp. 20 thousand, Rp. 50 thousand and Rp. 100 thousand. However, Boyma did not return the capital money from Yusuf.

    "After I billed it was not given. I lost Rp 3.5 million, "he said.

    Yusuf was even given 80 counterfeit bills of Rp. 20 thousand, worth Rp. 1.6 million. The money was given by Boyma to pay the capital from him. Yusuf also spent the counterfeit money.

    "I spent fake money to pay for chickens in the market. Get real money refunded. I keep getting arrested," he said.

    Prosecutor Ugik Ramantyo is demanding two years in prison. Yusuf was also asked to pay a fine of Rp. 10 million.Yusuf regretted his actions.

    "I asked for relief. I only gave money to buy a printer. Boyma printed the money, "he said.

    Separately, the prosecutor Ugik charged Boyma with printing money by photocopying the original color on scrap paper. After printing, the paper is cut manually using scissors. The counterfeit money is tied with clear cigarette insulation thread. He then passed it on.

    Boyma admitted to looking for buyers on his Facebook group. Rp. 2 million counterfeit items were sold for Rp. 500 thousand He has been selling the cash on delivery (COD) four times in the Surabaya area. In addition, seven transactions were sent via courier service from orders on Facebook.

    The panel of judges chaired by Adi Ismet in a separate trial sentenced him to 1 year and 10 months in prison. Boyma was also fined Rp. 20 million. If you can't pay, you will be sentenced to one month in prison. The defendant was found guilty of violating Article 36 paragraph 1 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.
