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    End of year holidays, 27 percent of residents choose to go home

    Sabtu, Desember 05, 2020, 20:47 WIB Last Updated 2020-12-05T13:47:46Z
    End of year holidays, 27 percent of residents choose to go home

    HarianUmmat.com ■ The Ministry of Transportation said, based on the survey results, as many as 27 percent of the people who were survey respondents said they would continue to travel at the end of the year, even though the government had cut national holidays and joint leave at the end of this year by 3 days.

    As is well known, the policy of cutting down 3 days of holidays, namely 28, 29 and 30 December 2020 is expected to reduce the spread of the Covid virus from people who intend to leave the city.

    "The potential for traveling is around 27 percent," said Director General of Land Transportation, Kemenhub Budi Setiyadi in a virtual press conference, Friday (4/12).

    Budi revealed that those who decided to travel had different goals, 40 percent of them had the goal of going home to their hometowns, 11 percent of tourist locations, 11 percent of relatives' homes, and 37 percent others.

    "So, it is possible to return to each parent's house for friendship," he added.

    Meanwhile, the most people who will travel come from Jabodetabek, namely 31.64 percent, followed by Central Java and North Sulawesi which are 10.22 percent and 8.75 percent respectively.

    While the details of the destination city trips, namely 20.28 percent to Central Java, 13.59 to East Java, and 10.60 percent to West Java outside Jabodetabek.

    "The purpose of most trips is usually the same every year. It is also to Central Java, then East Java, then West Java," he said.

