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    Jakarta has been named as an informative qualified local government

    Rabu, November 25, 2020, 23:13 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-25T16:13:12Z
    Jakarta has been named as an informative qualified local government

    Daily Ummat ■ Alhamdulillah, three years in a row the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has been named an Informative Qualified Regional Government by the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia at the 2020 Public Information Openness Award.

    The KIP's appreciation is the result of collaborating with all levels of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to produce public information disclosure products that prioritize transparency and accountability.

    "This is an achievement to be grateful for but more importantly maintained and improved, by continuing to produce works, innovations and breakthroughs that are in line with the current challenges," said DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Bawesdan tweet, in his personal account, today (25/11).

    He added that these public disclosure products continue to be developed. One of them is our speed to adapt and make breakthroughs on the corona.jakarta.go.id platform and the JAKI application which facilitates the need for transparent information related to the COVID-19 pandemic in DKI Jakarta and also provides collaboration space to help those affected by the pandemic. (**)
