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    Indonesia's efforts to lift the tourism sector during a pandemic

    Rabu, November 25, 2020, 05:34 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-24T22:37:28Z
    Indonesia's efforts to lift the tourism sector during a pandemic

    Daily Ummat ■ The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the tourism sector in Indonesia hard. As a result, the number of tourists both local and foreign has decreased drastically.

    In response to this difficult situation, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has prepared a number of steps to revive the tourism sector and the creative economy. One of them is through Big Promo which carries the hashtag #DiIndonesiaAja.
    Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in 2019 the number of foreign tourist arrivals reached 16.11 million. This figure is down 77.8 percent when compared to data in the last quarter of 2020 which only reached 3.56 million tourists.

    Meanwhile, domestic tourists are not much different. In 2019, there were 282 million trips. Meanwhile, until the end of 2020, it is estimated that there will only be 140 million people, or a decrease of up to 50 percent.

    Regional Tourism Marketing Director 1 Kemenparekraf, Vinsensius Jemadu said, Kemenparekraf has done many things to restore this problem. Among them are the BISA program and basic foodstuffs for tourism actors who have been affected in several provinces.

    "Kemenparekraf also facilitates accommodation for health workers and OTG," said Vincent, Tuesday (24/11).

    In addition, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also conducts a Local Creative Purchase program or Proud Made in Indonesia, free CHSE certification for hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions.

    Vinsensius added, in addition to these ongoing efforts, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is also trying to reactivate domestic tourists by providing stimulus to tourism business actors.

    One of the programs launched was the Big Promo. Kemenparekraf in this region has also done a lot such as supporting exhibitions, Familirazation Trips with Media, Travel tours, in addition to cooperation with Air Lines, cooperation with online travel service providers.

    "This program is run by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy which aims to help the economy move through the tourism sector by providing incentives through tour packages offered by the travel agent / tour operator (TATO) industry, restaurants, tourist attractions, and the MSME sector in the form of local creative industries," he said. Vincent.

