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    UAS invited the people of Medan to reject money politics

    Selasa, Desember 01, 2020, 07:32 WIB Last Updated 2020-12-01T00:32:53Z
    UAS invited the people of Medan to reject money politics

    UMMAT DAILY ■ The well-known Indonesian scholar, Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS) invited the public, especially the people of Medan to reject money politics in the 2020 Pilkada contest.

    From the video circulating, the cleric from Riau also gave a message to the pair of Medan Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan, Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi.

    "There are 3 points that I want to convey on this occasion. The current campaign cannot be on the pitch, it cannot be at the stadium. So the Akhar-Salman team had to knock door to door, it had to be able to influence the community until December 9, Wednesday. Morning must choose number 1, Akhyar-Salman, "said UAS as quoted,  onTuesday (12/1).

    Hence, to convince many people, this is a tough task for the team.

    "How to convince people, this is the team's hard work, targeting to win. If you sit this pair, remember Duafa, an orphan, the poor, help God's servants, help the people. This is the first," he said.

    Second, continued UAS, money politics. UAS also advised against taking political money. If you don't sit down and use the illicit money, if you sit down, the Medan Regional Budget is used up to return your capital.

    Get up the congregation, if you can't speak share this video. People who take haram money are cursed by Rasulullah SAW. Take the money, don't choose the person, take the money, still choose the number one Akhyar-Salman, "he said.

    Third, UAS added, performing sunnah prayer, wudhu, repentance, tahajud, hajat accompanied by reading the Yasin letter.

    “Don't forget, all these people are gathered to vote for you. Prayer is a weapon for Muslims. There are still around 9 pm, midnight, waking up at night all the core team, performing the circumcision prayer, circumcision prayer and circumcision prayer, prayer 2 rokaat, pray ya allah, sit Akhyar-salman, sit number 1 as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan. After that witir pray, read yasin, there are still 9 nights reading yasin, finished reading yasin, O Allah bless this yasin letter, God willing, you can sit down, "he said.

    After giving his motivation, UAS also prayed that the two couples would be given health by God.

    "Thank you for the glory of Al Fatiha's letter, thank you for the glory of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Please heal Mr. Akhyar Nasution to heal Ustadz Salman so that until the 9th he can be here and there, to convince the people. , so that their hearts do not go back and forth to choose number 1, Wednesday morning, December 9th. O Allah. Assign these 2 servants of Mu to be Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan so that your religion can help in Medan. Sit this servant from Mu to become Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan so he can help orphans, the poor and needy, Allah, "he concluded.

