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    Splashy! Cipendawa Village Residents Find Unidentified Bodies

    Kamis, November 26, 2020, 12:31 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-26T06:18:48Z
    Splashy! Cipendawa Village Residents Find Unidentified Bodies

    UMMAT DAILY ■ Residents of Cipendawa Village, Pacet District, Cianjur Regency, West Java were shocked by the discovery of an unidentified male corpse floating in the Cipendawa River, on Thursday (26/11/2020).

    Based on information collected in the field, the corpse with the characteristics of wearing a black leather jacket and red trousers was found by residents around 07.30 WIB.

    "I was also told by my neighbors that there was a corpse in the river. Then I immediately rushed to the location with the RT management," said Soleh, one of the local residents, to reporters.

    He explained that currently residents directly contacted the local village Babinkamtibmas and the case of finding the corpse was immediately reported to the Pacet Police.

    "Residents reported the case of the discovery of this corpse, and the identity of the corpse has not been identified," he concluded.

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