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    MUI issues 7 attitudes, one of which is an invitation to boycott French products

    Minggu, November 01, 2020, 22:27 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-18T04:16:50Z
    MUI issues 7 attitudes, one of which is an invitation to boycott French products

    HARIAN UMMAT ■  The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a seven-point statement regarding the insult to Muslims and the humiliation of the Prophet Muhammas by French President Emmanuel Macron. Seven statements and appeals from MUI were signed by Secretary General Anwar Abbas and Deputy Chairman Muhyiddin Junaidi, on Friday (30/10).

    The first point is to boycott all products originating from France for the Indonesian people.

    "Boycotting all products originating from the French state and urging the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to apply strong pressure and warning to the French Government and take a policy to temporarily withdraw the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Paris until President Emmanuel Macron retracted his words and apologized to the Muslim community of the world. , "Wrote the MUI.

    Second, Indonesian Muslims do not want to make enemies. Muslims only want to live side by side in peace and harmony. However, if what is concerned with being the head of the French state does not want and does not want to develop a tolerant attitude of mutual respect, then Muslims, especially Indonesian Muslims, who also have dignity and self-respect, will respond to their attitudes and actions by boycotting all products that come from France.

    "Until French President Emmanuel Macron retracted his words and apologized to the Muslims of the world," wrote the letter.

    Third, stop all acts of humiliation and abuse against the Great Prophet Muhammad, including making caricatures and hate speech for any reason.

    Fourth, support the position of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and its members such as Turkey, Qatar, Kuait, Pakistan, Bangladesh which have boycotted all products of the French state.

    "Fifth, urge the European Union Court to immediately take action and punishment against France for the actions and attitudes of French President Emmanuel Macron who have insulted and insulted the Great Prophet Muhammad," the letter continued.

    Sixth, it is appealed to all preachers, preachers, and preachers to convey messages on Friday sermon material to criticize and reject the insult of Rasullulah Muhammad.

    Seventh, appeal to Indonesian Muslims so that they should convey their aspirations in a peaceful and civilized manner.

    Through the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu), the Indonesian government has also criticized Macron's statement. Indonesia sees Macron as hurting the feelings of two billion Muslims in the world.

    "Indonesia condemns the statement of the President of France which insults Islam," said the government statement, as quoted from the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the French Ambassador to Indonesia Olivier Chambard on Tuesday (27/10) last afternoon. (**)

