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    Finding Interesting Learning Activities at MTS Ar-Rohman Tegalrejo Magetan

    Kamis, November 26, 2020, 18:45 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-26T11:45:57Z
    Finding Interesting Learning Activities at MTS Ar-Rohman Tegalrejo Magetan

    UMMAT DAILY ■ MTs. Ar-Rohman Tegalrejo Semen Nguntoronadi Magetan is an educational institution that is developing creative ideas in carrying out learning activities.

    Joyful learning learning method then becomes a reference, namely by utilizing the environment around the madrasah as a learning medium is one of the creative programs developed in this place.

    Speaking English and Arabic has become a habit at this madrasa. However, take it easy for those of you who feel that you are not yet proficient, because in this madrasah we will learn to apply it together in our daily conversations. Istiqomah is one of the main keys to becoming proficient, right?

    Even though this semester learning takes place online, minimizing boredom by packaging learning activities as interesting as possible is one of the main tasks of the Ustadz and Ustadzah at this madrasah.

    The presence of a recording studio is an alternative. Not only that, the maximum utilization of technology also supports this. However, students' understanding of the material remains the most important point.

    By presenting a virtual education game every few weeks, rewarding participants who managed to become the winners is one of the stimuli taken to reduce student boredom. But don't worry, online learning at this madrasa doesn't last long. Because, a few days ago the madrasah had received a recommendation from the local task force team to carry out face-to-face learning. Of course, adhering to health protocols is the main focus.

    "It is an honor for the MTs Ar-Rohman for the presence of consultants with various experiences in the world of education who took the time to stay in touch at our madrasa, "said Ustadz Awalludin Ma'ruf, S.Pd Kamad (Head of madrasah) who was met that morning (Tuesday, 24/11/2020) .

    According to him, the presence of consultants is expected to be able to increase madrasah enthusiasm to continue to race to improve the quality of learning.

    "The quality of human resources at the Ar-Rohman madrasah is very good, I think it is not difficult to package the quality of learning that is much better than today," said Mrs Nurul, an education consultant.

    His love for the world of education is extraordinary, he even keeps up with the development of education in Indonesia today. Although his background is not someone who is involved in the world of education, this is not a reason for him not to follow his development.

    The main focus is not only improving the intellectual quality of students, but improving morals is also the main focus. In the next three months Mrs Nurul will return to visit to ensure the success of the changes made. The appreciation he gave was extraordinary.

    "Starting this year, the curriculum will design and maximize efforts to realize some of the superior programs that madrasas will run," said Ustadzah Kiki Rizki Amalia, S.Pd, when the curriculum was in the middle of a busy morning.

    (RENITA A.K)
