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    Soldier Yonbekang 2 Kostrad visited the Darul Jundi orphanage in Malang

    Jumat, November 27, 2020, 04:55 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-26T21:55:43Z
    Soldier Yonbekang 2 Kostrad visited the Darul Jundi orphanage in Malang

    UMMAT DAILY ■ Yonbekang 2 Kostrad conducted visited to the Darul Jundi Malang Orphanage in order to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Kostrad's Bekang Battalion.

    This anjangsana activity is routinely carried out every time you welcome the Battalion's Anniversary and other Social Service activities as a series of activities for the 34th Anniversary of Kostrad Battalion 2, which falls on November 26, 2020 and is a form of social care for members of the Kostrad 2 Bekang Battalion.

    This activity was attended by the Military and Persit Yon Bekang 2 Kostrad. Even in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, this anjangsana is still being implemented while still paying attention to health protocols.

    In this anjangsana activity, the 2nd Battalion Commander Kostrad Kostrad Lt. Col. Cba Firmanuddin Lilawangsa, S.I.P. could not attend because he was carrying out an Inter-branch training for the Indonesian Army Kartika Yudha 2020 in Baturaja, South Sumatra.

    As a substitute, the Deputy Commander of Kostrad 2 Battalion and the head of Persit KCK XXVII Yon Bekang 2 Kostrad Koorcab Divif 2 PG Kostrad was present, Mrs. Regina Firmanuddin Lilawangsa.

    Wadanyon Bekang 2 Kostrad Kostrad Captain Cba Haryo Tedjo said that this anjangsana activity was an expression of gratitude in welcoming the 34th anniversary of Kostrad Bekang 2 Battalion and strengthening ties and the desire to share with orphans.

    "By sharing, it is hoped that it can give happiness to others. Of course, this is also the teaching of all religions which obliges us to help each other, help each other and have mutual empathy," said Wadanyon.

    This anjangsana activity ended with the handing over of basic necessities to the leadership of the Darul Jundi Orphanage and a group photo. (Pen / R-07).

