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    Rejecting KNPB Action, Residents Burn the Kejora Star Flag

    Senin, November 30, 2020, 12:30 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-30T05:30:36Z

    Rejecting KNPB Action, Residents Burn the Kejora Star Flag

    UMMAT DAILY ■ In the run-up to the action to be carried out by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), an organization affiliated to the Free Papua Organization (OPM) is demanding a referendum, greeted by the burning of the Kejora star flag by hundreds of people, located in Wamena, Papua. on Sunday (29/11/2020).

    On that occasion, the action coordinator Salmon Walilo in his speech in front of the Jayawijaya Regent's office said there was no referendum for Papua, because Papua is an inseparable part of Indonesia.

    "The Papuan people don't need a referendum, because the people are already independent in Indonesia," he said.

    Meanwhile, another resident, namely Alex Logo, in his speech said that the rioting that often occurred in Papua was mostly due to the actions of the KNPB.

    "Today, as an indigenous person, I reject the existence of KNPB in Papua, especially in Jayawijaya and the central highlands of Papua," he said.

    "I reject the KNPB, they are an unclear organization that only creates unrest in Papua," he said.

    Furthermore, he, together with the Red and White Barisan and all Papuans, will continue to supervise KNPB activities, especially in the mountainous area.

    "We will monitor their every activity, if necessary we will act firmly on them," he said.

    After that, the masses then carried out the arson against the Kejora star flag and the KNPB. However, the police disbanded the action not long after. (pen / R-01)

