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    Kostrad Yonif 413 Task Force helps treat malaria sufferers

    Senin, November 30, 2020, 16:12 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-30T09:12:16Z
    Kostrad Yonif 413 Task Force helps treat malaria sufferers

    DAILY UMMAT ■ RI-PNG Task Force for Kostrad Mechanic Raider Infantry Battalion 413 Kostrad helps village youths suffering from malaria at the Mosso Task Force Post, Muara Tami District, Jayapura City.

    The RI-PNG Military Command Task Force Infantry Battalion MR 413 Kostrad Major Inf Anggun Wuriyanto, S.H., M.Han conveyed this in his statement from Muara Tami District, Jayapura City, Papua, today.

    He said that after the two youths were carried out a Rapid Diagontic Test (RDT) the results showed that both of them had tropical malaria.

    "Incidentally, our RDT Malaria stock is in excess, which is assistance from the Jayapura City Health Office, so we can immediately find out that the two young men are positive for malaria," he said.

    It is known that the young man who complained about malaria was named Saban Nutafua (24) who was escorted by his two colleagues, Alberto (26) and Rafael (22), who were already familiar with Pos members because they often played sports with Pos members.

    "Because the results of the RDT showed positive, for that we were temporarily at the Mosso Post healthy house by infusing it overnight. We gave parecetamol to eliminate fever and we gave doxycycline as an anti-malarial drug," explained Lt. Inf. Hary Bagus, as the Post Commander. .

    Meanwhile, one of the youths who received first aid named Saban said that after being given intravenous fluids, the fever was not so pronounced, but he still felt pain in the joints and bones.

    "Thank you Mosso Task Force Post for taking care of me. Hopefully I can get well soon as before," he said. (pen /R-01)
