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    Bali is getting ready to open tourism, APSI is at the forefront of implementing health SOPs

    Sabtu, Agustus 08, 2020, 03:18 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-18T04:53:52Z
    Bali is getting ready to open tourism, APSI is at the forefront of implementing health SOPs

    HARIAN UMMAT ■  The provincial government of Bali is preparing to reopen tourism in the new normal era when conditions are still outbreaks of the Covid-19 virus.

    Regarding this, the role of security officers is very important, especially in places that have the potential to be visited by tourists, of course, they must remain disciplined in efforts to prevent the spread of the corona virus outbreak, by implementing health protocol SOPs both for themselves (security officers) as well as for guests who come.

    Chairman of the DPD APSI Bali (Indonesian security guard professional association) Gede Risky Pramana, stated that the security unit aspect is one of the important elements in every application of health protocols in managing the readiness to open tourism in Bali.

    It is proven that in several tourism and hotel places, the security unit is the main group in implementing health protocol SOPs in each area in welcoming the new normal.

    "All tourism stakeholders must remain focused on paying attention to these rules so that security forces in each region can be at the forefront of implementing health protocols in accordance with government regulations," said Gede Risky.

    ■ Belik Cyber Media

