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    Said Didu: The people have the right to be angry about the alleged corruption of social assistance funds

    Minggu, Desember 06, 2020, 20:06 WIB Last Updated 2020-12-06T13:06:42Z
    Said Didu: The people have the right to be angry about the alleged corruption of social assistance funds

    HarianUmmat.com ■ The Indonesian people have the right to be angry about what the alleged corruption practice of social assistance funds has been exhibited by Social Minister Juliari P. Batubara at this time.

    Former Secretary of the Ministry of BUMN, Muhammad Said Didu, even outlined five reasons that could underlie people's anger at the action taken by the minister from the PDI-P.

    First, he said, because social assistance funds were taken from foreign debt policies. Later, the debt funds which were later corrupted must be paid by the people.

    "Second, these items are to help the poor. Third, it is done when the people are in trouble, ”he said via his personal Twitter account, on Sunday (6/12).

    Said Didu continued, that the fourth reason was that corruption was carried out by the authorities as an oligarchic practice.

    While the last reason is related to Law 2/2020 concerning Corona which gives the government the flexibility to set the budget in times of crisis without being touched.

    "Fifth, the 2020 State Budget is only stipulated by the government in accordance with Law 2/2020," he said.
