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    KPIQP regrets the Government's policy to activate calling visa for Israel

    Selasa, Desember 01, 2020, 17:10 WIB Last Updated 2020-12-01T10:10:10Z
    KPIQP regrets the Government's policy to activate calling visa for Israel

    UMMAT DAILY ■ The Indonesian Women's Coalition for al-Quds and Palestine (KPIQP) regretted the Indonesian government's policy of reactivating calling visas for Israel.

    This policy is considered to have violated the commitment of the Indonesian people in opposing all forms of colonialism in the world as contained in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

    KPIQP also considered that the decision betrayed the mandate of the founding father of the Indonesian nation, Ir. Soekarno, who called on Asian-African countries to help each other to realize the independence of all nations in the world, including Palestine.

    KPIQP is a collection of Indonesian women's organizations and institutions that care about the fate and struggle of the Palestinian people. This coalition was formed on August 17, 2020 with the aim of helping the Palestinian struggle to obtain its right to independence. Regarding this objective, KPIQP rejects the Indonesian Government's policy of allowing Israelis to receive calling visas.

    According to the Chairman of the KPIQP, Nurjanah Hulwani, the implementation of this policy indirectly made Indonesia seem to recognize the existence of the state of Israel and at the same time hurt the feelings of the Palestinian people.

    "I regret the Indonesian Government's policy of opening calling visas for Israeli citizens. This policy certainly hurts the Palestinians who are struggling to take their right to independence, "said Nurjanah, Tuesday (12/1/2020).

    However, he continued, Indonesia owes a debt to the Palestinian people who have recognized Indonesia's independence after Egypt.

    The simplest way to repay the kindness of the Palestinians is to revoke its policy of not opening calling visas for Israel.

    Nurjanah reminded, at the 75th General Assembly of the United Nations, President Joko Widodo publicly supported the struggle of the Palestinian people. At that time, representing the Indonesian nation, President Joko Widodo emphasized his commitment as the party that played the role of the peace solution.

    Nurjanah quoted President Joko Widodo's statement at the General Assembly Session which said "No one, no country should be left behind."

     Thus, said Nurjanah, the Indonesian government needs to maintain this commitment so that the independence of the Palestinian people can be realized. Moreover, until now, Palestine is the only country participating in the Asian-African Conference in Bandung that has not yet tasted its independence.

    "To that end, KPIQP calls on President Jokowi to reactivate this policy," added Nurjanah.

    Previously, as of November 23, 2020, the Government of Indonesia announced that it had reimposed calling visas for nine countries, including Israel.

