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    Jakarta PSBB, Tourist Visits in Cibodas Decrease

    Selasa, November 24, 2020, 04:38 WIB Last Updated 2020-11-23T21:38:11Z
    Jakarta PSBB, Tourist Visits in Cibodas Decrease

    Daily Ummat ■ Since the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) implemented by the DKI Jakarta Regional Government, it has had a direct impact on the tourism sector in the Puncak area, especially the Cibodas tourist attraction area.

    Based on monitoring, at the weekend, Sunday (11/22/2020) yesterday. There was no visible queue, let alone the accumulation of vehicles in front of the ticket entrance to the Cibodas tourist attraction.

    Coordinator for Cleanliness, Orderliness and Beauty (K3) for tourist attractions (ODTW) Cibodas, Adih Saputra, said that since the reintroduction of the PSBB in Jakarta, visits to the tourist area of ​​Cibodas have decreased.

    "If calculated from the percentage decline in visits, almost 75% from the usual weekend, it can reach 4000 visitors, now it is only under 1000 visitors," he said when met by reporters.

    He explained that the decrease in visitors was due to the majority of ODTW Cibodas visitors from DKI Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi and Bogor.

    "So if in Jakarta the PSBB is re-imposed automatically the impact will be on these tourist attractions," he explained.

    The head of the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Resort (TNGGP) Cibodas Sobirin Yuliawan said the same thing, according to him since the reintroduction of the PSBB in Jakarta has had an impact on visitor numbers.

    "Regular visitors every weekend 1500 people, now only up to 500 visitors," he explained.

    Although continued Sobirin, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the TNGGP hall had started to impose restrictions on visits to the Mount Gede area.

    "I can only hope that Covid-19 will end soon so that it can automatically raise the tourism economy sector again," he said.

     ■ Deddy

