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    Talang Pipa residents are flooded

    Kamis, Desember 03, 2020, 17:45 WIB Last Updated 2020-12-03T10:45:53Z
    Talang Pipa residents are flooded

    UMMAT DAILY ■ Due to the rain on Wednesday night (3/12 /), a number of areas in PALI Regency were flooded.

    The areas affected by the flood were Talang Pipa, Simpang 4 kebun Sayur, and Beracung area.

    Information from one of the residents stated that the worst floods occurred in the Talang Pipa and Kebun Sayur.

    "The Beracung river does not overflow too high, but the Talang Pipa floods the residents' houses," said Rudi, on Thursday (3/12).

    According to him, the water level in the area reaches an average of 1 to 1.5 meters, or the waist of an adult.

    In particular, houses on the banks of the Abab river are regularly flooded every year.

    Monitored at the location, BPBD PALI and members of the Police are trying to evacuate and help people affected by flooding.

    So far, there has not been any confirmation of the material losses and casualties suffered by residents due to the flood.

    ■ Suherman
