HARIAN UMMAT ■ Wise world leaders understand that freedom has limits. The limit of freedom is that there is no insult to religion, because faith is a matter of belief, not just rationality.
This was conveyed by the National Leader DR. Rizal Ramli, commenting on the attitude of French President Emmanuel Macron who stated that Islam is a religion that is experiencing crisis, anywhere in the world.
“Many have protested President Macron for showing Islam-Phobia. Macron should set limits on freedom (‘liberte, egalite, fraternite’) and ‘faith’, ”said Rizal Ramli, on Sunday (1/11/2020).
But, he continued, strangely enough the protesters were left alone. Because, if you respond, you will say that you maintain "Islam-Phobia".
"It's been upside down," continued Rizal.
He reminded that in the Pancasila country (Indonesia) there should not be 'phobia' against Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and any religion.
"If we acknowledge Pancasila, we must not be 'phobic' of any religion, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism and others," he added.
"If" phobia "is like that, Indonesia can turn into Lebanon. It used to be peaceful and prosperous, 'Paris van Middle East'. Shuffling about Religion keeps getting riot, getting poorer, "said Rizal.
Earlier, French President Macron, on the occasion of his speech uploaded by BFM TV on October 2, 2020, also announced plans to defend France's secular values from what is called "Islamic radicalism".
Quoting Al Jazeera, he also emphasized that no concessions would be made in his efforts to push religion out of education and the public sector in France.
He announced the French government would propose the law in December to strengthen the 1905 Law that separated church and state and officially made France a secular state.
The move, according to Macron, was taken to tackle growing radicalization in France and increase "the capacity for coexistence".
That statement then sparked a reaction from Muslim activists, not only from the French Muslim community but around the world. (**)